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December 31, 2009

I feel like I’ve been waiting for January 1, 2010 for some time now.  While a lot of great things happened in 2009, there were definitely a few things that I’m looking forward to leaving behind.   I’ve always been excited about a new year starting and all of the great things I’d like to try to tackle.  But this new year, 2010, I am so ready for it like never before.

Challenges and all, I’m very thankful for 2009.  I met some new friends, reconnected with old ones,  stepped outside of my comfort zone a few times, and believe it or not, said ‘no’ more often.

For 2010, there are a couple of things I’m excited about.  The first is the opportunity to connect more, both personally and professionally.  I will take my online relationships offline, and work to spend more one-on-one time with my friends and family. 

The second is an adventure that my husband and I are taking on….a marriage ministry.  We’re really excited about it and looking forward to learning, sharing and growing together and with the other couples in the ministry. 

Exciting times for 2010.  I’m looking forward to a terrific year.  How about you?

Happy New Year!!

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